Neighborhood Gateways

From Stoops to Stadiums: A Citywide 250th Experience

Brand Circle

Neighborhood Gateways for the 250th are local celebrations of neighborhood and civic pride, inviting Philadelphians and visitors to collectively experience the 250th through tours, artwork, civic engagement, food and fun.

On select weekends from May through September 2026, a different Neighborhood Gateway will host a mini-festival along a commercial corridor or in a nearby park. Visitors will enjoy stories of local history and cultures; shop and eat at local businesses and restaurants; and feel a renewed sense of civic pride and unity as a Philadelphian.

map of philadelphia with various neighborhoods

Featured activities may include:

  • The Declaration Station, a pop-up experience inviting everyone to join the conversation about the meaning of the 250th today;
  • A “porch and stoop parade” of homes nearby decorated by local residents;
  • A schedule of local cultural, civic, and artistic events, pulled from PHL250’s calendar of People’s Programs for the 250th;
  • Events highlighting the impact of PHL250’s Legacy Community;
  • Locally guided tours of the neighborhood and special offerings by local businesses.

To learn more, fill out the form under “Get Involved” and we’ll be in touch!